Welcome to Bob’s blog

Whence do you think that this emerges. Racial ethnocentrism and a failure of a civic culture to cultivate the common good. What are they worried about? What Trump was seeking to hide is covered in Crag Unger’s books:“House of Trump, House of Putin” and “Amerikan Kompromat.” Before Unger, Michael Isakoff and David Corn, wrote “Russian… Continue reading Welcome to Bob’s blog

Categorized as Welcome

Welcome to Bob’s multiverse.

In this website, we will address some issues of statistical approaches along with some code to implement them. Galaxy one: Basic Bayesian Statistics Galaxy two: The Psychosocial sequelae of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster Galaxy three: Extensive Eco-political excursions Galaxy four: A Consideration of Serous US Governmental Problems and Potential Solutions to those problems

Categorized as Welcome